Contractor Employee: Helix safety instructions

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For Safety Instructions contractors, go to the following internet page: 'The safetyInstructions contractors'


You will see the following menu and choose your language.

welcome screen

Select Contractor in the next screen.

Select Contractor


Use the email address that under which you are registered in the ZR Contractor Portal and press LOGIN. Do not use another e-mail address!

If you do not know your e-mail address, the contact person of your organisation can look this up for you. Only when you can login with the mail-address, the result of your exam(s) are automatically stored in the ZR contractor portal.

e-mail Login

If the e-mailaddress you entered is not known in the portal, the next screen appears.
If you have already registered in the past, fill in your DATE OF BIRTH and COMPANY and press LOGIN


Select your NAME and work your way through the available instructions.

start the instruction

You can choose here by pressing the bar of your choice
1: Start the instruction (film)
2: Start the test

instruction or test


During the instruction you see slides and hear spoken text.
Inbetween you see slides with multiple choise questions. These questions must be answered to continue.

Instruction video

When you have finished the complete instruction press START THE TEST.

start test

To make the test press the BLUE ARROW

Blue arrow

As told, you should at least give 12 correct answers. If not, you must do the test again with a maximum of 3 attempts.
When you have completed the whole instruction, go back to the MAIN MENU and report to the guards.